Hello @florsilvestre , welcome to the forum.
In theory there is a chance that the documents are temporarily archived before they are finally removed, according to the manual for admins. See: https://docs.cryptpad.org/en/admin_guide/installation.html#configuration (second paragraph, after the "Note").
- I don't have personal experience with this, never tried yet
- I don't know if the archive mechanism is also used for deletions made due to timers
So you could try to contact the administrator of your instance, to see if the archive mechanism is used and if the adminsitrators know how to restore from it. But be quick, the archive usally only stores the files for 2 weeks, maybe less.
If the files aren't there it gets complicated to impossible. One could try to "undelete" files on the filesystem level but this depends on several factors (e.g. already overwritten? file system type) and the cryptography won't make it easier to even identify the lost data.
Good luck. Please give feedback of the results.