After reading through the CryptPad Whitepaper (especially Section 5.2.1 and Section 6), I had a question about how static documents are encrypted in a drive. I do not have a technical background in this space, so I will ask by example 🙂
If I upload a 10 MB PDF to my CryptDrive, how is that stored encrypted on the server? Is the 10 MB file broken into chunks/blobs and stored like:
- my_cryptdrive/static_docs/encrypted_blob1 which is 3 MB
- my_cryptdrive/static_docs/encrypted_blob2 which is 3 MB
- my_cryptdrive/static_docs/encrypted_blob3 which is 3 MB
- my_cryptdrive/static_docs/encrypted_blob4 which is 1 MB
Then if I download the PDF, it is "reconstructed" from these 4 blobs?
And is the same process used for any static file like PDF, images, etc.?