Thanks for your interest in CryptPad!
I could bet on the fact you didn't properly went through the 5.5.0 release notes: https://github.com/cryptpad/cryptpad/releases/tag/5.5.0
If you read the Deployment section you'll see some changes are needed in your Nginx configuration to make this work. For your information it was easy to spot by using diff
to compare your file with our example-advanced.conf:
% diff Code/cryptpad/cryptpad/docs/example-advanced.nginx.conf degun-nginx.conf
< set $scriptSrc "'self' 'sha256-dLMFD7ijAw6AVaqecS7kbPcFFzkxQ+yeZSsKpOdLxps=' 'sha256-6g514VrT/cZFZltSaKxIVNFF46+MFaTSDTPB8WfYK+c=' resource: https://${main_domain}";
> set $scriptSrc "'self' 'sha256-6zAB96lsBZREqf0sT44BhH1T69sm7HrN34rpMOcWbNo=' 'sha256-6g514VrT/cZFZltSaKxIVNFF46+MFaTSDTPB8WfYK+c=' resource: https://${main_domain}";
< proxy_hide_header 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy';
< proxy_hide_header 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy';
I would take the opportunity of this thread to encourage you to migrate away from this complex Nginx configuration file to our new one, the more basic one that forward all requests to the Node process directly. It will make you avoid that kind of mistake for the next updates to come.
And as always, remember that every information is available in our administrator guide: https://docs.cryptpad.org/en/admin_guide/index.html. We take good care to keep it updated, it's a shame that people don't use it more.
Hope this helps! 😊