In the docs it is said
In Markdown editors (Code / Markdown, Slides, Kanban), CryptPad blocks images and other remotely hosted content to prevent potential tracking.
This is a good thing, but there might be occasions when remote content would be useful. I wa recently looking for a selfhosted alternative to Padlet which is widely used in education settings. I checked several options, and the one that was closest was Cryptpad! Kanban could be used as a pinboard for class material from audio to video, images and texts and it looks really great!
So, even if we hate youtube from a privacy point of view, it is there where all the content is. So it would be great if there was an option to allow remote content in selected applications like Kanban or even only in selected boards? Or is there already a way to do so that I haven't seen? I only saw the option to allow embedding Cryptpad in other websites. Thanks a lot