Mathilde Hello, Sounds like a web browser issue. Check the Common Issues section of our documentation FAQ:
gregor15 Mathilde In every browser i have this error: Content-Security-Policy: The page’s settings blocked a JavaScript eval (script-src) from being executed because it violates the following directive: “script-src 'self' resource:” (Missing 'unsafe-eval')
Mathilde OK, thanks for the information. Have you followed the installation instructions from the Administrator Guide and gave a look at the /checkup page of your instance?
gregor15 Mathilde Yes i follow the Administrator Guide. In /checkup i have this error: An unexpected error occurred. See your browser's console for more detailsUnable to create, retrieve, or remove encrypted credentials from the server. This is most commonly caused by a mismatch between the value of the blockPath value configured in cryptpad/config/config.js and the corresponding settings in your reverse proxy's configuration file, but it can also be explained by a websocket error. Changes to cryptpad/config/config.js will require a server restart in order for /api/config to be updated.
Mathilde Is the CryptPad service properly running? sudo systemctl status cryptpad.service sudo journalctl -u cryptpad.service -f
Mathilde Did you actually went through the whole installation process? Using the generated link with the token for creating the admin user?
AlexQ Hello @gregor15 , some additional ideas: 1) You could use CryptPad at to be completely sure, that it is nothing with your browser, e.g. ad blocker or similar. Basic accounts at are free and you can also delete the account afterwards. 2) General information about your environment and situation can always help. For example is this your first self hosted CryptPad server? Which Linux? Docker or not? And if possible which steps you made so far to install CryptPad. 3) Usually the /checkup output on a fresh install has about 8 notes. So maybe please post your whole checkup output just to be sure. I agree to Mathilde that it seems that you did not yet initialize your instance. It may not be the only problem cause, but a main one. Please double check if you did the following steps, best in the order as follows: