Ah, now, I understand! Thank you for the clarification.
May be you can merely relabel the red button to "simplify history" or "compact history". This would prevent the misunderstanding.
It would be very helpful to have an actual "delete history" button (or "purge history"). I am a total noob in programing, hence I cannot contribute. I am sorry! The deletion might even be easier to implement than the simplification.
The "delete history" would be equivalent to "make a copy" but with the advantage that the link to the document is kept unchanged.
(I am interested in this feature as we used a shared document to exchange tickets for a concert in high demand within a schools' community. So people left phone numbers and email addresses in the document, and now this data is still hidden in the history. We have only shared the "/embed" link, so people do not see the history (unless they remove the "/embed", but that is "data privacy" through "obscurity" :-) ) Now, after the event, it would be nice to clear the data and have a clean start for the next concert.)
Thanks for the great tool!