Recently I became aware that applying colors and highlighting text on a Rich Pad document with Safari isn't possible anymore.

There seems to be nothing relevant in the logs. However, here they are:
[Log] Testing if CSP correctly blocks an 'eval' call (sframe-boot.js, line 42)
[Debug] creating favicon (notify.js, line 76)
[Debug] CACHE MISS /customize/src/less2/include/loading.less (LessLoader.js, line 208)
[Debug] Block hash is present (cryptpad-common.js, line 2350)
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () (less.min.js.map, line 0)
[Log] Outer ready (cryptpad-common.js, line 2558)
[Log] Posting CONNECT (cryptpad-common.js, line 2581)
[Info] Compiling [/customize/src/less2/include/loading.less] took 134ms (LessLoader.js, line 195)
[Info] Compiling [/pad/app-pad.less] took 46ms (LessLoader.js, line 195)
[Debug] creating favicon (notify.js, line 76)
[Error] Blocked a frame with origin "https://cryptpad.fr" from accessing a frame with origin "https://sandbox.cryptpad.info". Protocols, domains, and ports must match. (x2)
[Debug] {progress: 78, type: "drive"} (loading.js, line 88)
[Debug] {type: "migrate", progress: 0} (loading.js, line 88)
[Debug] {type: "sf", progress: 0} (loading.js, line 88)
[Debug] {type: "sf", progress: 100} (loading.js, line 88)
[Log] Testing if CSP correctly blocks an 'eval' call (sframe-boot.js, line 42)
[Info] Compiling [/customize/src/less2/include/loading.less] took 35ms (LessLoader.js, line 195)
[Debug] creating favicon (notify.js, line 76)
[Info] Compiling [/secureiframe/app-secure.less] took 39ms (LessLoader.js, line 195)
[Debug] {type: "pad", progress: 0.1} (loading.js, line 89)
[Debug] Chat ID: – "fe30f2762ef2b9e29deb70277ee48790" (sframe-common.js, line 297)
[Debug] initializing channel for [fe30f2762ef2b9e29deb70277ee48790] (messenger-ui.js, line 27)
[Warning] marked(): sanitize and sanitizer parameters are deprecated since version 0.7.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options (marked.min.js, line 6)
[Error] Blocked a frame with origin "https://cryptpad.fr" from accessing a frame with origin "https://sandbox.cryptpad.info". Protocols, domains, and ports must match. (x3)
- macOS v13.0.1 Ventura
- macOS v10.15.7 Catalina
- iOS v16.1.1