Many thanks for your detailed feedback @workflowproduction .
Since Mathilde already tagged your posting as feature request she usally has also read your postign and would have responded, if my explanation was to far fetched.
Call to Action
You can theoretically improve the chance of your feature request by giving more details regarding the use case. I for example don't udnerstand the use case at once, so it could be, that the developers have troubles, too.
Like you I use tags and of course subfolders to organize my CryptDrive. But I did not yet miss the path info when I have one of the files open. Usalls I remember from where I opened it or I look and search at the CryptDrive. Especially sicne the search function does a recursive search about all subfolders and shows the path info in the results.
So I'm curious and I want to help you. I guess that your workflow differs from mine or that you have many files or that you, like so many, work in parallel on many things, so that one has to look up, where the current file is from.
Please note that currently one can make feature requests at the forum AND via GitHub AND via chat. I'm not informed about the logic behind this at the moment, especially since issues at GitHub seem to get preferred. On the other hand it ssems that the GitHub issues feature requests are usally posted from the CryptPad developers themselves and that the forum was obviously made to prevent to much issues at GitHub since it got a bit to much and to chaotic. The forum is usally a good place, but it does not yet work good enough regarding feedback or outcome.
Also note that I suppose that the CryptPad developers currently work on the december CryptPad release, so all in all, don't be disappointed, but patient.