Hello @neobankr and welcome to the forum.
a) Did I understand the issue right, you click in a cell but instead of marking / activating this cell , the cell below that cell is used???
b) Also did I understand it right, that you have this issue only with Chrome based browser, but not with Firefox? So you tried the same thing on the same machine, but with firefox instead of Chrome based?
To reproduce this, please give some additional infos:
c) Could you please name the exact browser and version, where the issue occurs? Chrome, Chormium, Brave? Version?
d) Which CryptPad version do you use? 2024.9.0? 2024.9.1? So do you use cryptpad.fr or self hosted or another provider?
e) Did you use:
1) mouse
2) touchscreen
3) trackpad / touchpad
4) other (which?)
f) It sounds like you had this issue from the beginning when you first started using CryptPad, correct?
Sorry for the questions. See it as a proof that I bother about your issue. Also in IT it's important to be excact ;-) I can make good guesses, but my expierience tells to ask to be sure =)