CryptPad is end-to-end encrypted, so sometimes we may consider putting some login secrets inside CryptPad's rich text document, or spreadsheet, or presentation slides.
There are password managers like Bitwarden, Psono, KeePassXC, but they do not have good support for complex rich text information with many different secrets and instructions, organized in tables, etc, and they usually do not support complext rules like "hiding username in one login and showing username in another login".
So, I would like to have the ability to select arbitrary part of rich text document to hide the contents, in the same way typical password fields are hidden (with a button to toggle the visibility of the contents). This should apply to rich text, spreadsheet, and presentation documents at least.
For example, it would be great if the rich text document can support arbitrary hidden texts like this.
I know the whole document is encrypted, but I don't want every part to be visible at the same time.
(Sorry for wrong grammar in the title, I tried but I cannot edit it)