
I am testing the functionalities of Cryptpad's Spreadsheets (on a private instance that I just created) and noted an issue with the size of the spreadsheet, associated with performance issue (long time to save a file). I did the same test on cryptpad.fr, to make sure it's not coming from my instance and the issue is the same:

  • test file: midsize spreadsheet populated with some industrial production data (approx 20 columns and 800 rows)
  • when I create the empty file, its size is 3.11 kB
  • when I copy the sample data set (from another Cryptpad Spreadsheet), the new file size is 56.39 MB
  • after I change the font size for all cells and the change it back to its orginal size, without any other changes, the new file size is 76.25 MB and I could not find a way to shrink it
  • the time to display the file properties is long (<10 s)
  • the same test on OnlyOffice (v7.5) gives a file size of 145.34 KB with the same data, and it remains stable when I change the font size for all cells
  • browser: latest chrome version on win 10 (same pb with firefox or edge)
  • I can share the test Spreadsheet as needed

Do you know where the problem comes from?



Hello François,

Regarding the Spreadsheet size subject, have you had the chance to read the comments in this GitHub issue? Especially this one from @Wolfgang, our developer working on the OnlyOffice integration.

Please let us know if you have any comment or other question.
Best regards,

Hi Mathilde,
Thanks for your explanations: I had not seen the GitHub entry and it does match a portion of what I've tested. I think however there is more to this size problem than a faulty copy/paste. Let me elaborate below:
I did some more tests (on cryptpad.fr, from different browsers):

  • original file is 146 kB on disk
  • imported into a newly created spreadsheet on cryptpad: 1.33 MB
  • so far, it matches the issue of copy/paste vs import, but when I start changing properties for all cells, the size keeps increasing dramatically, as well as the time to save the file:
  • change font size for all cells: 11.26 MB (time to save 12 s)
  • change font face for all cells: 22.27 MB (time to save 17 s)

Hopefully there is an easy fix or solution

Kind regards


7 months later


I have one, fairly small spreadsheet ("File A") and was surprised to see my 1 GB storage quota noticeably shrinking wile working on it. I created this spreadsheet from scratch in CryptPad.fr. There are only 8 tabs with each tab containing about 900 cells with data in them on average.


  1. File A had 64 MB of history and the file itself was 64 MB. I deleted the file history.
  2. I downloaded the File A and the XLSX version of it ("File B") is only 350 kB
  3. I created a new spreadsheet in CryptPad ("File C") and imported File B to populate it. CryptPad reports the size of File C as 6.5 MB.
  4. I shared File C with another CryptPad.fr user and File C is reported as 14 kB on their end.


  1. How are my spreadsheets getting so large? 64 MB is orders of magnitude larger than it should be.
  2. Why is there such an enormous size difference between the Files A, B, and C? I would expect them all to be very close, especially Files A and C because they have the same data and are in the same system (CryptPad.fr).
  3. Why would the size of the same file shared between two users in the same instance be reported with such a dramatic difference (6.5 MB vs. 14 kB)?
    Merged 2 posts from CryptPad.fr spreadsheet much, much larger than XLSX file.