I would like to back up my Cryptpad server in such a way that if the hardware fails on the current server, I am able to install a new Cryptpad instance and insert the backed up directories and files and be able to continue as if the new server was the old server.

On this page it says to back up the following dirs:

  • datastore/
  • block/
  • blob/
  • pins/
  • tasks/
  • logs/

So my question is, are the user's password hashes included in these directories? In other words, if I replace these dirs in a new installation, will users be able to log into the new installation as if it was the old installation? Will the instance recognize the users and grant them access to their data? And if not, what must I back up additionally to achieve this?

  • Thanks for your response, we understand this can be misleading. Indeed the following directories are all sub-directories of data/:

    • pins/
    • tasks/
    • logs/

    We'll fix that for the release of our 5.8 version of the documentation.


Thanks for reaching out and for your interest in CryptPad!

As stated in the documentation page you linked you indeed need to backup those directories and that's all. The users keys are stored as "blocks", you can read more about them on our development guide.

Hope this helps!

  • den replied to this.
  • den likes this.

    Thanks for your reply. I am a little confused with the list of dirs for backup. From what I have found on my system, "pins" "tasks" and "logs" are subdirectories of ~/cryptpad/data/ which is already on the list. Is this correct or are these 3 directories somewhere else and I have missed them?

    Thanks for your response, we understand this can be misleading. Indeed the following directories are all sub-directories of data/:

    • pins/
    • tasks/
    • logs/

    We'll fix that for the release of our 5.8 version of the documentation.

    6 months later