Accessing history from just a couple of hours ago in my rich text document is not working because it is slow.

I hit "load more history" maybe 4 times, and the first couple times it loaded reasonably quickly but it exponentially slowed down until I got afraid to click anywhere and finally it didn't work at all. My Chrome browser tab for Cryptpad just turns black after being unresponsive for a certain time while the CPU is spinning.
The document is one that my team of 12 people use to write a few bullet points each about what we plan to do this week, each week. So there are a decent amount of changes to this document, but really nothing crazy. We do at least create a new document every 3 months to prevent the history from building up too much and taking too long for the doc to load in general (I thought that would help assuming clients replay e2ee events to reconstruct the document).
The reason I needed the history feature is because twice now our document appeared to go back in time on its own (maybe someone reverted a previous version by mistake?) and I wanted to find the last version before all the latest updates were lost. Both times the symptoms of this issue were the same.
We are on the instance.
Just reporting this issue, but any advice would be great too. Thank you!