Hello @jordandsullivan , sorry if you hoped for quicker feedback. So first a late "welcome" to the forum to you.
I don't know yet the workflow for bugs, e.g. who posts them to Github and after which actions, so please be patient. Also I usally don't use CryptPad on mobile phones, so you got no feedback from me. I hoped some other users would try and confirm the issue, but there is still too few community life here.
Could you please give some additional infos in the meantime?
a) Which version of brave browser did you use?
(although the issue might be browser independent of course)
b) I guess you had this issue always? I think so, from your text I suppose that you are a "new" CryptPad user.
c) Please correct me, if I understood you wrong. You have this issue:
1) yes, with Richt Text app
2) not with Code App
3) yes, with Spreadsheet app --> but different reaction (ctrl-v dialouge)
4) could you please test it with either Kanban app or Form app? (because these are internal apps from cryptPad team)
5) could you please test it with Docs app or Diagram app? (Because these are external apps. If you have access to Doc app I think it will show ctrl-v. For Diagram app I have no guess.)
d) Is there any chance, that you have tried it or will try it with another browser or asked someone to test it? Of course it is not necessary.
(And to the forum readers: It's always a help when others test bug postings and confirm or deny. This should be in anyones own interest. One does not have to do this for every posting, once for a single posting int he forum would be an advancement.)
I'm sorry jordandsullivan if I'm still of little help. I'm watching your posting (because it's one of the nerwer ones) and haven't forgotten it.