Hello Cryptpad team! This is an amazing app. Thank you!
FYI, I noticed that a "Teams" button does not appear on the Main Menu. What's odd about this is that 'teams" does appear in the Application config file:
<AppConfig.availablePadTypes = ['drive', 'teams', 'sheet', 'doc', 'presentation', 'pad', 'kanban', 'code', 'form', 'poll', 'whiteboard', 'file', 'contacts', 'slide', 'convert'];>
The following items from this list also do not appear on the main menu:
teams, presentation pad, poll, file, contacts, convert
I'm guessing that some of these are not ready yet?
Also, regarding teams, I noticed that when I am editing a document inside the teams folder, there is no way to get back to the team's folder from the document. This is strange behavior. There should be a way to gt back to the teams folder from inside a document. When I click the DRIVE button, it takes me back to my personal drive folder not the teams folder. Maybe there should be a TEAM DRIVE button when we are working inside the Team directory?
Just some thoughts! Thank you!