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CryptPad Forms, make polls, ask questions, gather feedback.
Form check box and multiple choice limitations
Recipients get an unspecified Error when trying to submit the form?
Mandatory filed in form
Option list appendable by anyone
Add option for "everyone can edit every answer"
Allow multiple submissions by the same user
preserve document (form) settings when cloning
access question
Can't embed a form
Add a way to change availabilities all at once in a form
Allow form authors to delete responses
Guest access to Forms only
Allow to manually close form
require a 'name' from a guest (optionally at the start of a form)
signature (draw box) for forms
More than 3 options with choices or checkboxes.
Decimals in number type text field
Form crashes on mobile upon submitting
Form closing date never displays a calendar
Allow to set maximum requests for form
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