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Rich Text
CryptPad Rich Text app, quickly and simply format text.
How to disable the Cryptapd context menu in Rich Text Editor
Update CKEdit implementation
Ability to track and display changes in Rich Text document
Rich text document going back in time
Slow to access document version history
Qs: Collapsible Headers and Font Size for Viewers
Cursor keeps jumping
Bug: Deleting a bullet point causes random text loss
Cryptpad 4.6: Richtext table without context menu
Dark mode for rich text background
Customize CKEditor menu for Rich Text
Can't change text color or highlight on Safari
Image resizing when printing
Toggle to editting the html/css
Tracked Changes
Images in document won't export to doc
Export images alongside .md files
Closing table of contents move away from the desired chapter
External links open twice on View+Embed with "Open links on first click" enabled